"I...am a superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend."-Robert Neville, I Am Legend 1954
Someday i'd like to be able to live up to this quote. Scratch that, i will.
I just read this while cranking that to to the left a couple times.
"Oh wait! Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we'd still be in Africa. We wouldn't be here to get this ice and tattoos." - DeAndre Ramone "Soulja Boy" Way
To all of you who bought this album or downloaded the singles...SHAME ON YOuuuaaaahhhh!
With November 4th quickly approaching, I've become a little apprehensive in the next presidency. Let it be known that i am a huge advocate for the Obama/Biden campaign, but I'm afraid for them. Lets look at the history of America and how it treats GOOD people:
Dread Scott- was still mandated as a slave even after his dying boss let him free.
Abraham Lincoln- assassinated because of his philanthropy.
Sitting Bull- "Imprisoned" on the Res of Fort Yates for wanting to keep the Sioux Spirit free
Martin Luther King Jr.- you know why?
John F Kennedy- averted a heap of trouble with Castro.
Ernesto "Che" Guevara- shot by the CIA because of instilling the sense of be nobody's bitch in the world.
You get the picture. After hearing of some crazy guy trying to plot an assassination of Obama made me think, America doesn't like good change. Let it be known that i will pray that my vote brings us closer to God, the real one not the one W thinks he answers to.
I'm back...made it home to my first love, Phoenix. It truly is amazing how the human soul never acknowledges and appreciates what is present in front of them while they have it. I now fully understand it. It feels like paradise being home from a 4 day trip with some old friends. Bless them in that they find a sense of fulfillment in what they do but i no longer hold any common bonds with them, only a history of friendship, i guess I've grown spiritually and mentally.
It was funny, as we approached the outskirts of Mesa I saw the red lights of So. Mountain and lit up with joy, i was home. So now to show you what i mean, watch the vid:
*I'm coming home again. Do you think about me now and then? Do you think about me now and then? Cause I'm coming home again I'm in home again.*
Lyrics: Sent you a message, sent you an email Hasty decisions we may still prevail Both needed breaks, we both needed to bail Walking thru the corridors of my mind The hideaways, the nooks, there filled with good times Memories certainly yes they still bind Still a common man and yeah that's for sure Still a bankroll and yeah still can tour The madness, the thing we had was much more Come back home, don't be out in the world It's a rat race and always for a girl And most scavengers have found the pretty pearl It's for the faint of heart who never get enough Gotta get tough, buckle em up, we call em duds And we, and we and we ahhh
We gotta gettin up We gotta gettin up Today is nice come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up Tonite is right come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up
Come over here baby, don't look so grumpy This kind of lifestyle could be so comfy We can start a clan just like the Kennedy's You and I advance, certainly we can expand Feelings that should never end And you respect me like a friend But love me like your man No other could contend Or we could be like Doves exposed 2 history Like staying with each other with truth and chivalry The things we go thru they shape our identity Yes pretty let's do this all nite Consummate this thing and make it alright And when we cuddle up and promise that it's right
We gotta gettin up We gotta gettin up Today is nice come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up Tonite is right come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up
I like to watch everybody gravitate towards you Your magnetic presences make them come thru The same way you got them you got me too Now look at our lives so colorful A wonderful spectrum, not 1 tone dull Full of excitement and not 1 lull See we had an understanding, oh yes we did I'm bringing it back, I'm puttin in my bid Have a couple of kids, have a couple of cribs We like Louie D and ????? like martin and corretta Doin it to death, no one can do it better When we leave our physical our sprits still together Come on now, here's a placement for your hand You rockin with the #1 MC man The #1 controller of right with the plan
We gotta gettin up We gotta gettin up Today is nice come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up Tonite is right come on we gettin up Said we gettin up Said we gettin up
So tomorrow i leave to pinetop for the weekend. To be perfectly honest, i don't want to go anymore; actually not at all. I'm only going because i put down a deposit of $100 a couple months back and by the time i lost interest of going it was too late for a refund. I guess its because I've grown distant from those accompanying. It's like they are stuck in the past doing the same things that I've found to be immature and essentially a waste of time. What I'm saying is you don't need booze to have a good time, to them you do. I pray that i can survive this weekend. Four days with them is going to be a test. Thank God for school best believe I'm going to study up there.
I read a pretty interesting article today about the plethora of 24-hr Mexican taco shops valleywide. If you've ever noticed anything about them, you would recognize a defining characteristic about them...They all end with the suffix -berto's Think about it, Los bertos, Filibertos, Polibertos, Bertos. More important to note off of this is the actual suffix -tos: Ritos etc...
From my stand point, they're not a bad business venture especially if you would put one in a zone where the youth congegrate; they got to sober up somewhere and Lord knows mexican food is hella-greasy. Here's the Story if you wanna read more: Taco Shops yay!!!!
Sunday we went to go see the America's Best Dance Crew at the Dodge Theater. It was pretty dope and it was free!! (big ups to my cuzzo C Veezy)However, i felt pretty old in the building. I swear the median age was about 17 and not only that, as i was watching i was like really? I thought this was the ish a couple months ago, now its like oh that was cool damn its already 9:00 p.m. i gotta go home and do work. Plus, i'm not knocking them cuz they're true artists at what they do, the JabbaWockeez' routine got boring really fast. So since we are talking about urban dancing, lets take em back to the pioneers:
I'm tired. This has to be done by 5:00 pm tomorrow, i wish i didn't have preexisting commitments tomorrow. I'm so sleepy as though the serifs blew kisses of sedative in my face. Now I know how Sammy feels about NyQuil-induced naps. come on Jando only 1600 more words of your silver lined linguistics.
*cracks neck while listening to "Single" by Ne-Yo and New Kids on The Block*
I'm laying on my bed watching this program on the History Channel about Sasquatch aka Bigfoot. I remember in elementary school we had books about this cryptic creature and it was fun reading cuz it used to scare the s**! outta me. So now that i watch it now im like...that would be some s**! to find that this thing is real. It would bring about so many questions about the ascension of man and how it remained to be so elusive for so long.
So anyway, what would i do if i saw this thing? I'd probably shit myself than faint....yea in that order.
IT was...ok? I think it would have been better had it received an R rating cuz it really needed to be. I really just enjoyed my company mainly. *Much love to Terra Garrido and Chris Villa* However, Mila Kunis is in it and she alone is worth watching it. Damn!!!
Best import the U.S. ever received from the Ukraine
Its pretty interesting to see that i am living in a time, not as sever in degree, but somewhat similar to the Jewish round-up patrols during the mid 40s in europe. Why the hell does the majority of voters keep leaving Joe Arpaio and Andy thomas in office? I mean seriously why? Clearly what they've done impedes on not just civil rights but human rights. Now if you are going to say that civil rights are only granted to this country's citizens, read a book because the U.S. is unique in that it grants civil liberties to all. Honestly, this is just good ole fashioned racism being executed and nobody is doing anything about it. Yea they pin-point the ones just trying to make an honest living doing sanitation and food service, but they won't even dare try to go against los carteles way to go Joe!! you are the biggest asshole in the state ;)
Keep Voting douches into high office Arizona! I love Phoenix but the republicans here are real dickheads!
So my research partner is pretty cool. Yet, she's my coworker so its like, dang. Only time i hear from her is for business related issues. It'd be a little awkward to simply come out and holler so shit. I wish I could be more like Ron Burgundy; except retain my intellect.
"What if for one night we weren't coworkers but co-people?" - Will Ferrell, Anchor Man: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 2004
I just bombed my last 2 lab reports. That hurt real bad i got 50% on each one and i put in work. I wonder where my deductions were cuz i put in tables, explanatory figures I mean you cant dock points for not getting a desired result that's why its called an experiment; holy shit. Dang my stomach hurts now. What the eff for real
*this was after some outdoor ball a while back (like 3 years ago); i lost that pick up game so it set the tone for this post*
I went to the gym today with the homeboy Vince. My arms feel like jell-o imma be feelin that tomorrow. It was so bad i couldn't even turn my steering wheel. Good Workout overall so many fine DownTown ASU ladies, so I was like howdy howdy!! But seriously tomorrow's gonna hurt
Suns beat the Jazz 96-89 Word Up! the way i see it if the jazz could beat the lakers and the lakers beat the suns, then we should be able to give the lakers a run. I know i know preseason, but hey, a win is a win. Matt Barnes really heated up 21 points and a few blocks very nice. I cant wait until they play the Portland Knights thats gonna be a fun game
Well in our defense Amare or Leandro didn't play and Terry Porter has a completely different ideology on how the game should be played. I just hope that NBA.com's projection of the suns finishing 8th in the West isn't true and whoever wrote that can shove it up their rectum.
Side note Shaq was a beast. 21 pts and 10 boards yezzir
cant wait for saturdays game. My brother is a lucky duck man, he got tickets...well his lady got tickets. Dam i need a sugga mama
"I've been workin' this grave shift and i ain't made shit i wish i could, buy me a spaceship and fly...past the sky." -K. West
That is exactly how i feel right now. This little side job i picked up to bring in some xtra cash is some f!$%* bulls*&! the hours are hellish in that they have become 9 hour shifts of manual labor, 5 days a week that's appx. 45 hours when i asked for 25 at max. Lack of professionalism from my supervisors and dealing with rude ass people. yea seriously Tempe folk are assholes and that's comin' from the heart. (Thats why i love Phoenix, livin in the city is like rising from the ashes only to shine birghter than before) I know a few good souls that reside in the very conservative city but still, as a whole, Tempe is whack. I wish i did have a spaceship and just fly past all the BS of becoming an adult and just living my life contently going to school until i get where i wanna be.
*now if only i could muster up some desire to finish these lab write-ups dam store took up all my energy*
Why... is there a basketball team in oklahoma? WTF I've finally come to grips that the SuperSonics no longer are around. That is so dumbd, why the F!&% didn't Seattle cough up the money for the team?! now the suns have to go to shitty Oklahoma and play basketball in quite possibly the most boring state in the U.S. (well the Dakotas, Montana, Maine, Idaho, Hew Hampshire, Wyoming are all in the same category) Thats one of the worst moves done by the NBA in a while, them suspending Amare was pretty whack too but that was then this is now. Oklahoma City Thunder WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously: "I had the booze she had the chronic, the Lakers beat the [SuperSonics] Oklahoma City Thunder...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!