Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I love Billy Mays, what an entrepeneur.

*Not even Optimus Prime can tear this sh%t off*

Monday, February 23, 2009


LOLz at this one. Yeah i dont care too much for ricky ross. That diamond studded face-piece on his chain is ridiculous. If i knew rockin' Faberge eggs was "baller," i would have been wearing my moms on a gold chain way before him.....Ross!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Universal Healthcare (UHC)

i think that universal healthcare is something the U.S. should adopt. Why not every other ideology we have is borrowed *ahem* Democracy is Greek. The only ones who hurt from disbanding private healthcare would be republicans, well any politician benefiting from pharm/healthcare lobbyists, and majority shareholders....republicans. Countries who do have this system implanted already show trends of longer-living citizens and increased productivity because the citizens dont have to worry about being kicked out of an ER cuz their HMO wont cover the expense. Hell, even "evil" Cuba has universal healthcare and the detainees at Guantamo Bay get better treatment than me. money really is the root of all evil, it has more voice than a at least.

*skips away singing "I make it rain i make it rain"

Strictly For My Presidents

"So are you my president?" No!
I think they looped this skit into a real broadcast of new york 1

Thursday, February 19, 2009


i think Naledge is underrated. He and Double-O make some good tunes. This one is seriously dope entitle "I'm in Chicago B****" Chicago Picasso indeed.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Prodical Sun(S)

Yes, they are back. Even though the opponent tonight is the Clippers, the Suns are playing like a well talented squad again. 81-49 at the end of the first half is phenomenal and I'm sure it will get better once Jay Richardson gets into the rotation. He's a low-brow dude but he has skill. Check out Shaq with his passing ooooooweeeee!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Nest Emptying

I remember my brother first moved out when he turned 18. I was sad being that i was 14 and practically grown up sharing a room with him so of course the change was going to have some adverse changes on me. I got over it and he came back 2 years later this time, i having grown up, let him keep the room and i bunked in the living room for the next 3 years. He moved out again and i got my room back for good. Now however, my sister has left home and its just weird knowing there's a vacancy in the next room over. Its interesting being the youngest of your siblings because no matter what your older siblings do, you feel the changes the most.

I get where Melville writes about Moby Dick being the embodiment of nature and how nature doesn't care about who and how it harms individuals. If anything, time is a harsh water flow--never stopping. I wish sometimes we were kids again

Thats That Heat

I feel the same way holmiez:

F**k JOe Apairo wait awhile

I see this undulating off the radio, *ahem* Pocos Pero Locos on Sundays, in the next months to come. Yea boy!!! Guard ya grill Joe
"Here come my two homeboys"
* Let me Rock my timberlands..... on a Friday night*

Sunday, February 15, 2009


*Majerle on the Left, Alvin..., Aaron Nelson on the Right*
the Good Suns

Porter is out. Good move for the team, he isn't our style of play. We have too much talent on the roster to be at 28-23. So hopefully come Tuesday we'll see the old Suns again being Gentry knows the D'Antoni estilo.

I say 4th seed by the playoffs

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teppan-Yaqui? [Yakki]

Today was my dear friend's birthday, she is like a beloved sister to me. Possibly, she is the reincarnation of the miscarriage my mother endured but that's just my mind going off on tangent. Anyway, it was a pretty fun celebration I got to see some friends whom i haven't physcially communicated with in a while*pause*

My food was the bomb! Spider Rolls ( crab, rice and cream cheese along with veggies) and Las Vegas Rolls (tuna, yellow tail, salmon, and crab) all delicious yezzir. Except the bill....yea. 32 bux just for me *Scottsdale*

All in all it was pretty dope for a thursday

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Man, tonight was an ordeal. I helped my pops salvage an antique mahogany cabinet from the 1940s and it was a real nuisance holmes. We started at 7:00 p.m. and just finished. The hinges on the cabinet doors would not align....BIG STRESS.

Point is we're done and it looks nice, if i have to move it out tho Imma go Chris Brown on somebody.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

James Dewitt Yancey aka Jay Dee aka Jay Dilla aka your favorite hip-hop genius

Before the 10th is over, I just want to mention that Jay Dilla passed away today from a rare form of lupus. He was quintessential Hip-Hop and his presence is missed and in some ways needed. Dilla brought that fresh jive to the music incorporating Jazz, Classic Rock, old radio commercials, etc...whatever made the music vivid. He was a true lover of his trait and if you dont know Dilla beats, rather music, familiarize yourself.

* i used to own this shirt...dam laundry room always losing sh*t in it

My Sensai

*Pause*....Just watch and learn

Whatever happened to just head-butting or pressure points, this guy takes self-defense to the nth power.......dear Lord

*Everything is Terrible* classic **LAUGH**


Today was an ok day. I was in the lab working and if i were to critique my performance thus far as a researcher id give myself a B-. Its my first time actually working in a lab other than classtime so yea its expected that things go with minimal error, but i'm still a rookie. So anyway im at my scope messing with some ants then my supervisor comes up to me and is like "hey Jando, me and a few guys from the lab are going to the vine for beers around 7:30-ish, wanna go?" I just smiled and laughed cuz i'm still a youngin and i was like i'm not 21 but thanks for the invite.

The point is i was regarded as a regular peer amongst post docs and grad students in a highly difficult field. Your boy Jandito got RESPECT

Monday, February 9, 2009 me *kicks dirt* :/

so i was at the Y, the dope one in downtown phoenix right next to ASU Downtown/ Nursing building, workin triceps and back. It was a good workout and as i'm leaving the weight room i take notice of this really fly chick. I remembered her from my Statisitics class i took at the downtown campus and let me tell you baby she was looking *insert word choice for awe*. I was like wow, she looks *insert word choice for awe* and she looks over my way as though she remembered my face. I freeze up and go to the complete opposite side of the weight room to do some lower ab workouts; i failed. I FROZE like an OtterPop in Juneau. Why did that happen, i lost my game-- i need a redemption "run-in" with her.

*She looks like this but with shorter hair and a nice olive tan....melanin, it does the body good.*

Picture change?

Oh yea, i changed my profile pic because i thought it was time for a change. The history behind the old one was a fun day. If you ever took note of it, it showed me rockin a neckbrace; how? Well, this was during the first season of dance crew with the Jabberwockeez. Well, i wanted to show my sis that i could do some B-boy ish and i was like peep this turtle freeze....bad idea!

I lost control of my weight and pushed it all on my neck hence the neckbrace.

Cos(my positon) + my weight (Kg) + T.V.--> Jandito in a neckbrace


Damn, its raining-- a lot. To add to this, my window stops rolling up about 2/3 from the seal. I need a new ride, my ish has become pretty hood:

1. antenna was stolen the day after i got it.
2. rear speakers don't work so only the driver's region works.
3. A/C adapters don't work so i cant charge my phone.
4. Break lights are out except for the center and when i turn on my lights.
5. only hi-beams work. Lo-beams are out -of-order.
6. middle passenger seat belt doesn't work.
7. needs an alignment.
8. needs some engine work.

So tomorrow i have to be at the zoo by 7:30 a.m. in the rain, in my hoopty yay!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

For my friend

I remember when a certain pal of mine and I were just kids taking college classes on the weekends and in summer trying to get a jump start with our college odyssey. It made me realize, dang, I've known good ole sammy for a while. *NO H-O-M-O* but thats my brother, so with all my heart i dedicate this vid to you old friend:

*Still Laughing* why did you introduce me to Ms. Peachez, s/he won't leave my mind.


You know she's fine.

That'd be tight to stand in front of her right hand *insert device*

Status Check

I feel i can be doing a lot better personally. I have to read a couple hundred pages and write a paper about the October 2, 1968 massacre of students at the Tlatelolco Plaza. I mean its not a hard task and its due the 2oth but still, I feel like no zeal to complete the assignment. Lord knows it'll get done but i just remember when i could do jobs on everything i did. I need some enlightening.