"I've been workin' this grave shift and i ain't made shit i wish i could, buy me a spaceship and fly...past the sky."
-K. West
That is exactly how i feel right now. This little side job i picked up to bring in some xtra cash is some f!$%* bulls*&! the hours are hellish in that they have become 9 hour shifts of manual labor, 5 days a week that's appx. 45 hours when i asked for 25 at max. Lack of professionalism from my supervisors and dealing with rude ass people. yea seriously Tempe folk are assholes and that's comin' from the heart. (Thats why i love Phoenix, livin in the city is like rising from the ashes only to shine birghter than before) I know a few good souls that reside in the very conservative city but still, as a whole, Tempe is whack. I wish i did have a spaceship and just fly past all the BS of becoming an adult and just living my life contently going to school until i get where i wanna be.
*now if only i could muster up some desire to finish these lab write-ups dam store took up all my energy*
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