Thursday, October 30, 2008

Leaders of The New School...I mean America

With November 4th quickly approaching, I've become a little apprehensive in the next presidency. Let it be known that i am a huge advocate for the Obama/Biden campaign, but I'm afraid for them. Lets look at the history of America and how it treats GOOD people:

Dread Scott- was still mandated as a slave even after his dying boss let him free.

Abraham Lincoln- assassinated because of his philanthropy.

Sitting Bull- "Imprisoned" on the Res of Fort Yates for wanting to keep the Sioux Spirit free

Martin Luther King Jr.- you know why?

John F Kennedy- averted a heap of trouble with Castro.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara- shot by the CIA because of instilling the sense of be nobody's bitch in the world.

You get the picture. After hearing of some crazy guy trying to plot an assassination of Obama made me think, America doesn't like good change. Let it be known that i will pray that my vote brings us closer to God, the real one not the one W thinks he answers to.

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