I remember my brother first moved out when he turned 18. I was sad being that i was 14 and practically grown up sharing a room with him so of course the change was going to have some adverse changes on me. I got over it and he came back 2 years later this time, i having grown up, let him keep the room and i bunked in the living room for the next 3 years. He moved out again and i got my room back for good. Now however, my sister has left home and its just weird knowing there's a vacancy in the next room over. Its interesting being the youngest of your siblings because no matter what your older siblings do, you feel the changes the most.
I get where Melville writes about Moby Dick being the embodiment of nature and how nature doesn't care about who and how it harms individuals. If anything, time is a harsh water flow--never stopping. I wish sometimes we were kids again
1 comment:
"back in the days...when we was kids"
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