Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Overall, the summation of today was okay. I saw two good friends of mine at the same time. Its funny because i usually only see one or the other at a given time but today our little trinity was complete. It's funny because we are a diverse faction. Sammy is my African-American brother (no pun intended) Eric is my anglo accomplice and me, well i'm the hispanic/latino/chicano/etc.... of the group that can relate to both ethnic groups. Anyway, it felt like things were in balance for those small, but timeless 5 minutes. We were approached by a born again, but not fanatic, christian who simply wanted to talk to us about the time of resurrection and Eric so elloquently responds, "I have an erection." these little times of peace are what life is all about, harmony and positivity.

In addition, i talked to my old lab partner. It was dope, because its always good when you can make a girl laugh. They say the key to a woman's heart is laughter, the way things are going i'll soon prove this wives' tale.

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