Sunday, December 28, 2008

Comical and Eerie

So a couple days ago i woke up to see i had a new voicemail. I Checked it and it was a homo talking about how much fun he had and shit and he could not wait to see me again. I laughed and thought fucking vince is being dumb. Wrong! I get a text from some unknown number reading "andy r u there?" So i'm like oh its just some wrong number so i reply " Nope not andy sorry. You got the wrong number pal take care."

This is when the weird shit ensues. This dude keeps calling texting and shit so now im pissed and a bit weirded out. If i find this dude im going to beat his ass NO HOMO

1 comment:

Sammy said...


You said you're gonna beat his homo

that line pretty much sums up 2008.