Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7:15 a.m. I voted

4 years ago i was 16 and i remember sitting in my anatomy my class at 7:50 hearing my friend saying "4 more years of darkness." What was interesting was that our instructor had the gall to say she was happy with the turnout. This year, we dont have to look forward to 4 more years of darkness because as of today, in my opinion, Senator Barack Hussein Obama will win the electoral college. I think McCain really sunk his ship when he referred to Senator Obama as "that one" and when he promised a Joe the Plumber to be at the Defiance, Ohio rally and had a no show:

“Joe’s with us today. Joe, where are you?” McCain called the into the crowd, “Where’s Joe? Is Joe here with us today? Joe, I thought you were here today (pause) All right, well, you’re all Joe the plumber, so all of you stand up and say – I thank you.”

Right...a complete fabrication.

Even though McCain agreeing 98% of the time with Bush Jr. has been brought up numerous times, it is still the main driving force of why he should not be elected the president. 4 more years of $10 Billion monthly war debts, 4 more years of tax breaks for the higher SES, it needs to stop.

I did my part today voting for Obama, so lets get things rolling the right way.

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